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Women Templars

This page is just for our Ladies who have joined our order. This page is for helping others to survive daily life, mdieval information, cooking tips, clothing issues and medieval crafts.


Style of dresses for the woman reenactors but not limited to as once promotion within the order happens the style of dresses become more fancier as a Dame doe,s NOT scrub pots.

Or for the Dame who wishes to join in the Battle alongside the Knights, which is her right, a different style of uniform is required.

Investiture as a Dame 

Cooking utensils medieval style

A female Templar is known as a Dame of the Order, this part of the Order will be run by Dame Alison Norman Area Commander. She will keep female members up to date with events, History, and of the Orders activities, she will also run on Facebook a medieval cookery advert on a monthly basis. There will also be information on medieval clothing, footwear etc.


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