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Application to Join The Grand Order of Knights Templars, The British Commandry Military Order of Knights Templars

Your details were sent successfully to The Grand Knights Commander OSMCS

As a Member of Our Order you are signing to agree to be bound by its constitution and rules, you also agree that you will not promote racism, violence, hatred towards any person whether as a Knights Templar or group. You agree to inform the Knights Commander of any other Orders you belong to (this will not stop your membership), failure to adhere to these will result in a lifetime ban from our order and retraction of all the orders information and its awards gien as a member.

You agree to contribute towards the Order by way of allegiance fees on a monthly basis, each rank pays the same rate, this will not increase nor decrease and is fixed for the term of your membership.


Very Important

Any appointed member who violates our Constitution and Laws and passes personal and the Orders information to another Order or Third Party will be in breach of the Orders Data protection Laws and subject to Legal process and conviction.

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